

At Bickley Primary School, we go beyond the map and help to develop life skills within our pupils whilst inspiring them to do their best for our planet.

Geography is a time for all children to learn about our world.

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Our locality and the geography that surrounds the school is interwoven throughout the curriculum in both Key Stages. Each year group takes part in local fieldwork which may include environmental surveys, taking photos of human and physical geographical features or undertaking questionnaires. It is also a time for children to learn about their potential impact, both positive and negative, on the environment. We hope that this will instil a desire to protect and preserve our world.

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Our World, Our Responsibility

At its very core – Geography is learning about the world. Indeed, the Geography curriculum at Bickley Primary School intrinsically links to and enhances many other areas of the curriculum – including History, English, Science and PSHE.

Furthermore, it provides a perfect platform to explore different cultures and traditions – something we feel very passionately about!

Look at how much fun Geography is at Bickley!

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Year 4 have recently carried out some local fieldwork by surveying the shops in Bromley High Street

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This term, Year 5 have visited the Horniman Museum to learn about the rainforests and the people that live there. It was a brilliant trip and incorporated many geography skills. 

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Year 3 have recently had a visit by the London Port Authority where they learned the importance of the River Thames to London and world trade. It also helped us to learn about London's 'place' in the world and how goods and services are shipped all over the world. 

Here are some other examples of our fun geography lessons at Bickley. We have lots more exciting trips planned for this year and are looking forward to getting out and doing fieldwork. 




Geography Vocab